
MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book

All our staff complete a fully comprehensive induction training course. This comprises of Class Room and online training.

Types of training include

  • Safeguarding Adults and Children

  • Infection Control

  • Health & Safety Awareness

  • Food Hygiene & Basic Awareness

  • Lone Working

  • Pressure Area Care

  • Continence Care

  • Information Governance (GDPR)

  • Duty of Candour

  • Care Certificate - Skills for Care

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Staff are encouraged to further their education and are given the opportunity to complete NVQ's relating to Health & Social Care

How do we know our staff are competent?

Competency Checks

All our staff receive competency training, once staff have completed the induction course they are accompanied by a senior member of the team on their first visits, new staff will shadow the senior member and only once they feel confident and the competency has been approved then they will go and see service users on their own. If further training is required staff will complete or repeat training.

SPOT Checks

To ensure our service users continue to receive high quality care and support we complete monthly staff spot checks, staff are not made aware of the date or time but our service users will be asked permission before a Spot Check is completed. The spot check is also used to form part of our staff members Appraisal and 1-1, if we identify more training or supervision is required we ensure our staff receive the necessary support and training.